We strive so everyone has a safe, affordable, healthy place we are proud to call home.
Click on the underlined sections to see statistics.
Photo Credit: Chappy Achen
Housing Vacancy
Housing vacancy rates
Housing Cost
Levels of housing cost burden
Monthly housing costs
Housing Value
Value of housing units
Sales price of homes
People requiring homelessness assistance
Waiting list counts
Housing Occupancy
Rent vs Own
Demographics of renters and owners
Housing Supply
Additional housing needed
New housing built
Housing units gained and lost
To track trends in smaller communities like Red Wing, the U.S. Census-American Community Survey uses 5-year estimates to ensure reliable data. On the graphs and charts in this section, the labels signify the last year of each 5-year estimate. For example, the label 2010 refers to data collected in 2006-2010; the label 2015 refers to data collected in 2011-2015; and 2020 refers to data collected in 2016-2020.