
We strive so everyone has a safe, affordable, healthy place we are proud to call home.

Click on the underlined sections to see statistics.

Photo Credit: Chappy Achen

Housing Vacancy

  • Housing vacancy rates

Housing Cost

  • Levels of housing cost burden

  • Monthly housing costs

Housing Value

  • Value of housing units

  • Sales price of homes


  • People requiring homelessness assistance

  • Waiting list counts

Housing Occupancy

  • Rent vs Own

  • Demographics of renters and owners

Housing Supply

  • Additional housing needed

  • New housing built

  • Housing units gained and lost

To track trends in smaller communities like Red Wing, the U.S. Census-American Community Survey uses 5-year estimates to ensure reliable data. On the graphs and charts in this section, the labels signify the last year of each 5-year estimate. For example, the label 2010 refers to data collected in 2006-2010; the label 2015 refers to data collected in 2011-2015; and 2020 refers to data collected in 2016-2020.