Physical & Mental Health
We work so all of us can have easy access to what we need for optimal health and well-being.
Click on the underlined sections to see statistics.
Photo Credit Chappy Achen
Physical Health
Physical Inactivity
Mental Health
Percentage of Mental Distress
Days of Poor Mental Health
Suicide Ideation and Attempts
Substance Abuse
Excessive Drinking
Rate of Deaths by Drug Overdose
Opioid Use
Drug Use by Youth
Treatment for Substance Abuse
Access to Care
Access to Health Insurance
Access to Mental Health Providers
To track trends in smaller communities like Red Wing, the U.S. Census-American Community Survey uses 5-year estimates to ensure reliable data. On the graphs and charts in this section, the labels signify the last year of each 5-year estimate. For example, the label 2010 refers to data collected in 2006-2010; the label 2015 refers to data collected in 2011-2015; and 2020 refers to data collected in 2016-2020.