Substance Abuse
Photo Credit Chappy Achen
Excessive Drinking
Summary: Nearly 1 in 5 of us in Goodhue County self-identify as binge or heavy drinkers, which is slightly more than the national average.
Details: Binge drinking is defined for women as having four or more drinks on one occasion and for men as having five or more drinks on one occasion in the past 30 days. Heavy drinking is defined for women as having an average of more than one drink per day and for men as having an average of more than two drinks per day. Statistics are reported for people ages 18 years or older who self-report.
Source: 2024 County Health Rankings (using 2021 data).
Rate of Deaths Caused by Drug Poisoning
Summary: Goodhue County’s rate of drug overdoses is similar to the state but is lower than the U.S. overall. The U.S. is currently experiencing an epidemic of drug overdose deaths. In 2021, 71% of overdose fatalities in Goodhue County were due to opioids.
Details: Rate of death by drug poisoning is calculated as the rate per 100,000 people. Deaths are counted in the county where the person lived, even if the death occurred outside that area.
Source: 2019-2024 County Health Rankings (using 2017-2021 data), and Southeast Minnesota Opioid Profile, 2021
Number of Nonfatal Opiod Overdose ER Visits
Summary: In Goodhue County, the number of emergency room visits of patients experiencing a nonfatal opioid overdose has almost doubled since 2016. Some opioid overdoses can be reversed by administering naloxone.
Details: Opioids are defined as any of the natural opiates such as heroin, morphine, and codeine; any semisynthetic or synthetic opioids; or any of the prescription opioids such as fentanyl and heroin. ER visits include all those to a Minnesota or North Dakota hospital by a Goodhue County resident. Intentional non-fatal visits are excluded. Drug type in this data is self-reported.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health — Southeast Minnesota Opioid Profile, 2016-2021
Drug Use and Misuse by Youth
Summary: The number of Goodhue County 8th graders who self-reported they engage in drug abuse has shot up from 0.4% in 2016 to 5.2% in 2022. The number of 9th graders who self-reported the same went from 1.4% in 2016 to 5.3% in 2022. The number doubled for 11th graders from 2.5% in 2019 to 5.7% in 2022.
Details: Statistics come from the Minnesota Student Survey, which is an anonymous survey administered to Minnesota students every three years during the school day.
Source: Minnesota Student Survey data via Minnesota Department of Health, 2013-2022
Population vs Opioid Overdose Fatalities by Race in Goodhue County
Summary: In Goodhue County, 30% of opioid overdose fatalities were American Indian residents, much higher than the overall American Indian population in the county (1%). Changes to systems in our city, state, and country are necessary to create a place where everyone has what they need to be healthy.
Details: Opioids are defined as any of the natural opiates such as heroin, morphine, and codeine; any semisynthetic or synthetic opioids; or any of the prescription opioids such as fentanyl and heroin.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health — Southeast Minnesota Opioid Profile, 2021
Number of Admissions to Minnesota Treatment Facilities for Goodhue County Residents by Year and Substance Type
Summary: People in Goodhue County seek treatment for alcohol more than any other substance. The second most common substance for which people sought treatment was methamphetamines, and the third was opioids.
Details: This graph shows the number of Goodhue Country resident admissions to Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities in Minnesota by type of substance abuse.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health, 2010-2020 — Southeast Minnesota Opioid Profile