Our Student Population

Photo Credit: Chappy Achen

Number of Students Enrolled in the Red Wing School District

Summary: The number of students in our school district has declined since 2020.

Definition: The number of students enrolled in the Red Wing School District.

Source: Minnesota Department of Education, 2015-2024

Student Demographics by Race and Ethnicity

Summary: One in four students identify as a student of color. More than 9% identify as Hispanic or Latino, almost 8% identify as American Indian, 5% identify as two or more races, and 3% identify as Black or African American. Less than 1% identify as Asian or Pacific Islander.

Definition: Student demographics encompass all students enrolled in the Red Wing School District. The numbers come from the Minnesota Report Card produced by the MN Department of Education (MDE). In the 2022-2023 school year, MDE began using a new state definition for American Indian. For details, see the Minnesota Student Report Card website.

Source: Minnesota Department of Education, 2024

Red Wing Students Eligible Free or Reduced-Price Meals

Summary: More than 37 percent of our public school students fall into the federal income level categorized as “free or reduced meals.” This is a slight decrease from past years in the number of families who bring home lower incomes and follows a trend in the county and state.

Definition: Schools still use this categorization of student family income levels, even though Minnesota now serves free breakfast and lunch to all students, per a state law passed in February 2023, to reduce child hunger. This state-run, permanent program is called the Free School Meals for Kids Program, which funds meals for students not on the federal free- and reduced-meal program.

Source: Minnesota Department of Education, 2015-2024

Red Wing Students Receiving Special Education Services

Summary: One in five of our students receive special education services, which is slightly higher than the rate of the county and state.

Definition: The MN Department of Education defines special education as students who have a disability and are in need of specialized education. Each of these identified students has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that teachers must incorporate into the student’s lessons each day.

Source: Minnesota Department of Education, 2015-2024

English Language Learners in Our School District

Summary: The number of English language learners is 2.6% which is a slight increase over last year. Knowing how many of our students are still learning English helps our community better provide the resources necessary for all students to succeed.

Definition: Percent of English language learners in our school district.

Source: Minnesota Department of Education, 2015-2024