Where We Live
Photo Credit: Chappy Achen
How Many of Us Live in the Same Home as 1 Year Ago
Summary: Almost 17% of us in Red Wing have moved in the last year, compared to almost 13% in Minnesota overall. The amount of moving we do is steadily increasing and is slightly more than people around the county and state.
Details: This graph shows the location of residence compared to one-year prior for people based on their geographic location.
Source: US Census - American Community Survey, 5-Year Estimates (2009-2013, 2014-2018, 2019-2023)
How Far We Move Away
Summary: Among those of us who actually moved in the year prior to the Census ACS, 53% moved to a different county and 47% stayed in Goodhue County.
Details: This graph identifies whether or not people stayed in the same county of residence for those who moved during the previous year.
Source: US Census - American Community Survey, 5-Year Estimates (2009-2013, 2014-2018, 2019-2023)