Police Department
Photo Credit: Dan Rogness
Crime Violations
Summary: The drop in drug violations is due to the shortage of police officers and narcotics investigators, along with changes in state statutes—not a decrease in drug use. City Council increased the pay for police officers at the end of 2023 and as of summer 2024, the department is fully staffed for the first time in many years.
Details: Assault is any act with the intent to cause another person fear of immediate bodily harm or death, or an intentional act that inflicts or attempts to inflict various degrees of bodily harm on someone else. Burglary is the unlawful entry of a structure with the intent to commit a felony or theft. It need not be an entry by force. Drug Violations are the selling or possessing of a controlled substance in a manner not authorized by law. Theft/Shoplifting is the taking of property with or without force, threat, or deception.
Source: City of Red Wing Police Department, 2023
Traffic Violations
Summary: The most common traffic violation is for those driving without a valid driver’s license; that number (353) is down 35% from its peak in 2022. There were more declines, although less significant, in all other categories of traffic violations between 2022 and 2023.
Details: Drivers License Violations are given when someone is driving without a valid license, such as when a license has been suspended, revoked, or cancelled. Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is when someone is found driving while over the limit using any controlled substance, including alcohol or prescription medicines. Insurance Violations include a failure to provide proof of insurance or having no insurance at all. Other Traffic Violations are actions that cause a citation, such as failure to stop at a stop sign, failure to yield, or running a red light.
Source: City of Red Wing Police Department, 2023
Gun Permits to Purchase and Weapons Violations
Summary: The number of permits issued by the Red Wing Police Department to purchase guns spiked in 2020, then dropped. The number now is still somewhat higher than it was five years ago.
Details: The Red Wing Police Department issues permits to purchase guns, but only the Goodhue County Sheriff’s Department issues permits to carry a gun on public property. The number issued by the county is not included in this graph. Per Minnesota State Statute, qualified individuals are allowed to purchase and carry a gun in public.
Source: City of Red Wing Police Department, 2023
Police Department Training Hours
Summary: In 2021, training for administrative and supervisory roles took up a larger percentage of training hours than usual to prepare for upcoming retirements. In 2022, the total number of training hours decreased because of staffing shortages but increased slightly in 2023.
Details: The State of Minnesota Board of Police Standards and Training (POST) mandates that officers engage in 48 hours of law enforcement-related education every three years. That must include a minimum of MN POST-approved credits in Crisis Intervention and Mental Illness; Autism; Conflict Management and Mediation; Implicit Bias; and Crimes Motivated by Bias. In addition, in 2023, the Red Wing Police Department updated all of its policies to abide by new state laws. Those policies will be put into effect throughout 2024 and will take up additional training hours.
Source: City of Red Wing Police Department, 2023