School Attendance & Graduation
Photo Credit: Chappy Achen
Students Attending School Regularly
Summary: In 2023, 54% of students in the Red Wing School District attend class regularly, compared with almost 70% of students statewide.
Details: A student is considered consistently attending if they attend more than 90 percent of the time the student is enrolled during the year.
Source: Minnesota Student Report Card, 2023
Red Wing Students Graduating from High School in 4 Years
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Summary: The graduation rate increased significantly for students of color in Red Wing and across the state in 2021, but fell in 2022 and stayed steady in 2023. Gaps in graduation rates still exist among groups by gender, race, and especially income. The school district’s goal is to eliminate these disparities so the graduation rate for all students is 98.4%. The school district’s Annual Report outlines steps to reach this goal.
Details: Graduation rates for Red Wing Public Schools include students at Red Wing High School, Tower View Alternative High School, River Bluff Education Center, and 5Rivers Online. Some low graduation rates reflect the reality that some students start school in Red Wing but move out of the district with no further contact information and thus are still counted as Red Wing students who did not graduate, even though they may have graduated somewhere else.
Source: Minnesota Department of Education’s Minnesota Student Report Card 2017-2023