Photo Credit: Chappy Achen
Where Our Energy Comes From
Summary: Wind remains almost 30% of our energy source in Red Wing. Nuclear is 24%, and gas increased to 23%. Coal decreased 5% and is our fourth-largest source of energy. Solar is low at just 4%.
Definitions: Biomass is renewable organic matter that comes from plants and animals and can be burned for energy. Hydo is harnessing water power for energy.
Source: Xcel Energy Community Report, 2023
Who is Responsible for Local Carbon Emissions Through Electricity and Gas
Summary: The good news is that local carbon emissions decreased between 2022 and 2023 - but only slightly. More work needs to happen. Our use of natural gas is more responsible for carbon emissions than our use of electricity. Residents and commercial businesses are each responsible for 35% of natural gas emissions.
Details: Carbon emissions are the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the air from natural and human sources, including from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. For details on other definitions and information, scroll down to the “About the Data” button at the bottom of this page and click on the Xcel Energy Community Report.
Source: Xcel Energy Community Report, 2023
Number of Solar Garden Subscriptions
Summary: The number of residential properties that now subscribe to solar gardens has risen 65% between 2021 and 2023. The number of business subscriptions has stayed relatively flat at near 100.
Details: A solar garden can be defined as a large array of solar panels that collects the sun’s energy and supplies electricity to the grid, providing electricity to participating subscribers.
Source: Xcel Energy Community Report, 2023