Adult Connectedness
Photo Credit: Chappy Achen
Adults Who Feel Valued in Red Wing
Summary: 96% of adults reported they felt accepted, valued, and welcomed in Red Wing. This number is wonderfully high but contrasts with the low percentage of pre-teens and teens who report they feel adults in Red Wing care about them. (See Youth Connectedness graphs.)
Details: Statistics are from the City of Red Wing’s Community Survey, which is done every few years to take the pulse of community opinion on a range of topics. This professional survey gathers input from a statistically significant percentage of people who are reflective of our town based on our census demographics. All respondents were 19 years or older. This statistic reflects how adults answered the question “Do you feel accepted, valued, and welcomed in Red Wing?”
Source: City of Red Wing Community Survey - 2017, 2023
Adults Who Have Frequent Contact with Neighbors
Summary: A clear majority of us (88%) continue to have frequent contact with our neighbors. In fact, 58% of us in 2023 said we connect with one to three neighbors regularly, and 25% of us said we connect with four to eight neighbors on a regular basis.
Details: Statistics are from the City of Red Wing’s Community Survey, which is done every few years to take the pulse of community opinion on a wide range of topics. This professional survey gathers input from a statistically significant percentage of people who are reflective of our town based on our census demographics. All respondents were 19 years or older. This statistic reflects how adults answered the question “Do you have contact with your neighbors on a frequent basis?”
Source: City of Red Wing Community Survey, 2017, 2023
Adults Who Feel a Sense of Community
Summary: An overwhelming 95% of residents say they feel a sense of community in Red Wing. Of that percentage, 30% rated the sense of community as “excellent,” and 65% rated it as “good.”
Details: Statistics are from the City of Red Wing’s Community Survey, which is done every few years to take the pulse of community opinion on a wide range of topics. This professional survey gathers input from a statistically significant percentage of people who are reflective of our town based on our census demographics. All respondents were 19 years or older. This statistic reflects how adults answered the question “How would you rate the general sense of community among Red Wing residents?”
Source: City of Red Wing Community Survey - 2017, 2023